Threadless Attachments

Threadless body piercing jewellery stands out for its innovative design that provides a user-friendly experience. Here's how it functions and what makes the tension mechanism unique: Out threadless body jewellery ends are made from Titanium, Surgical Steel or Solid Gold.

The Design:

Two Parts: Threadless jewellery consists of two main components: a smooth post (barbell, banana or labret) and a decorative top.

No Threads: Unlike traditional internally threaded jewellery, there are no screws on the post or the top.

The Tension Mechanism:

The Key: The magic lies in the decorative top. It has a small internal post that creates a spring-like tension when you give it as slight bend.

Click and Hold: When you insert the post's disc into the top, this mechanism clicks into place, holding the top securely on the post. The slight bend in the post's internal mechanism creates the tension for a firm grip.

Benefits of Tension-Based Hold:

Easy Changes: The click mechanism allows you to remove and attach the decorative top by hand without any tools. This makes swapping tops a breeze, perfect for daily wear or expressing different styles.

No Cross-Threading: Since there are no screws, you eliminate the risk of damaging threads, a common issue with traditional internally threaded jewellery.

Smooth Surface: Similar to internally threaded jewellery, the decorative top sits flush against the post, providing a smooth surface that minimizes irritation and the risk of snagging on clothing.